Ministry of Highways

Its pretty insane what some people believe to be true about the poutine-enthusiast overly apologetic country. Americans loved the Winter Olympics last year Canada was in Afghanistan and that got a lot of press here the Canadian economy is good and thats impressive.

A New Study Could Explain Why Americans Think Canadians Are So Damn Nice Mother Jones

If you find yourself in a grocery store in Canada the classic line youll hear from Canadians when they want to move through a tight aisle is just gonna sneak past you there.

Canadian nice stereotype. They are extremely polite they are hockey lovers is the land of Justin Bieber and bear is like their pets. These activities include dog sledding riding moose living in an igloo or even drinking maple syrup. You wont survive if you arent nice.

Further that stereotype may lead Canadians to act nicetheres a distinction between behaving nicely and having a nice personality Snefjella notescreating a self-fulfilling prophesy scenario. All the Canadians I know are very nice indeed except the snobs in Quebec that thinks you need to speak French even though they very well speak English not all of Quebec but some areas and some of them were pretty mean drunks. Canadians are also regarded as very funny which might be considered a paradox.

Theres simply an absence of negatives. Its the little things. Being half Canadian and half American Americans in general are way worse by far.

We say EH a lot. Even still research has shown this stereotype about Canadian behavior is false and there is actually no discernible difference between Americans and Canadians personalities. Whenever Im in Canada I am always surprised at how nice everyone is.

Canadians have a reputation as easy-going friendly and polite people sometimes to a fault. Of course like any stereotype the notion of the nice Canadian is not universally true he adds. While the stereotype that it is always freezing cold in Canada or that they all live in igloos and ride polar bears and sled dogs to work is not true in the winter Canada gets extremely cold for.

Canadians are notorious for their politeness and niceness. From watching hockey to drinking a lot of Tim Hortons coffee here are six different stereotypes about Canadians that are true Jun 28 2017 comments Leave a comment facebook Share this. Would you rather be accused of being polite or being fat stupid and racist.

While foreigners might think of Canadians as super nice. Now we show you some of more typical canadian stereotypes that you can find on internet. The truth about making love in a canoe and 7 other Canadian cliches.

While some of them are insanely inaccurate they all do kind of. This perspective makes Canadian niceness come off as a necessity rather than a merely pleasant social attitude. The stereotype of the polite Canadian really isnt that far off with the glaring exception of pretty much everyone in the GTA where people yell and fight and they dont seem to know how to.

Like most countries Canada and its population has a few stereotypes that. Saying please and thank you and holding doors for people. How did the stereotype of the nice Canadian come about Thats about not aboot.

The notion that Canadians are extra nice is an enduring stereotype a Seattle-based writer who married a Canuck wholeheartedly buys into and it would seem a lot of Americans do too. There are a million and one stereotypes pertaining to those residing in the great big country of Canada. You have never attacked any of our embassies you dont want to direct any missiles at us and unlike the southern border there are no problems with organized crime or drug crimes - youre peaceful and stable.

Canadian stereotypes dont allow people to see Canadians for who they really are but instead for whom everyone thinks we are. There might be something to the potheads stereotype. Neighboring An Overbearing Country.

As a Canadian I have become accustomed to people just assuming that because I am Canadian I do certain things. However I am not going to change any of my weird quirks just to fit in here are 10 Canadian stereotypes I exemplify and that is one thing I am not going to apologize about. When I was last in Canada I remember thinking to myself that this is how all people should act and sadly its not an experience I have all the time at home.

Dont worry well always love you its just. We are polite and nice to a fault. I mean look at US.

But overall the Canadians are. While a lot of them are true some of them are just plain hilarious. You Canadians are so awesome and nice that we just are making friendly jokes about you.