Ministry of Highways

The licensing requirements for Restricted Licenses are found in the For License Holders section of our web site. Possession Acquisition This licence will allow you to purchase non-restricted and restricted firearms plus any classes of prohibited firearms that you are eligible to acquire.

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Serving students from Drayton Valley Edmonton Edson Stony Plain Spruce Grove Red Deer Rimbey.

Restricted license alberta. If you are not the Designated Individual DI for the license the Restricted Agent must change the DI by completing a new application appointing a new person to act as DI. Using firearms. In the practical exam you will handle three different types of firearms in various situations.

Restricted firearms safety training in Alberta AB for PAL certification. You are required to obtain a minimum of 80 percent to pass each portion. If license status confirmation can be obtained from the web site of the licensing authority in your home jurisdiction a non-resident endorsement will not be required.

Handling firearms. To confirm if these conditions are attached to your licence or to apply by phone call the Canadian Firearms Program at 1-800-731-4000. You need a firearms licence to be able to register any restricted or prohibited firearms.

Storing RestrictedNon-Restricted firearms. Non-residents who are licensed in their home jurisdiction may be exempt from Albertas exam if they can demonstrate that they have passed an exam that is equivalent to Albertas approved exam. The Non-Restricted Course and the Restricted Course each have a written and practical portion of the exam.

It is renewable every five years. You must pass both the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course and the Canadian Firearms Safety Course. By successfully completing the courses you will qualify to apply for a firearms Possession and Acquisition Licence PAL and learn about a variety of topics including.

The types of firearms that you can purchase depends on whether you have completed just the Non-Restricted rifles and shotguns of normal length course or whether you have also completed the Restricted shorter barreloverall length rifles and shotguns and normal length handguns course. The Possession and Acquisition Licence PAL is the only licence currently available to new applicants. They are created to regulate driving habits and to establish a code of conduct that everyone must abide by in order to support a responsible driving atmosphere.

Completing the non-restricted PAL exam is a prerequisite for the restricted licence. And for the most part it works. If you already have a licence please register any restricted and prohibited firearms.

You must do your ACTS and PROVES each time you handle a firearm. The maximum fine for driving without a license in Alberta is 2000 but that amount can vary significantly. Alberta Driver License Suspension There are hundreds of driving laws in place to protect motorists passengers and pedestrians.

When it comes to fines for this particular traffic offence there are both mandatory fines that means they must be handed out as well as additional fines that vary depending on the circumstances around your charges and offence. A Restricted PAL is required for handguns and other Restricted firearms. Explains the Restricted Drivers Licence Program which is intended to help individuals who need to drive for employment health or education purposes while they are serving a demerit suspension.

Includes information on the program eligibility criteria and how to apply. If an applicant is wishing to have multiple endorsements on their license the maximum fee is 80. To obtain a Possession and Acquisition License PAL and a Restricted PAL all you need is your Canadian Firearms Safety Course CFSC and Canadian.

A Possession and Acquisition license allows you to legally own firearms and purchase additional firearms. As of September 2 2015 if you have restricted or prohibited firearms you may be eligible to have conditions attached to your firearms licence for certain routine and lawful transportation purposes. The fee for a PAL is 60 for non-restricted 80 for restricted or prohibited grandfathered or inherited prohibited firearms.

Restricted drivers licence demerit program. Currently the same costs apply for renewing both license classification types.